“Take a Walk Out of My Life”

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Life surely is full of surprises and wonders. Sometimes, you’ll just find and realize that you are already in a very different situation, perhaps, a different world. That could be a place, a person, an event, whatever it is that you don’t really expect suddenly coming into your life.  Even though if I became the world’s smartest person, the things I’ve mentioned earlier will always be the reason why I still won’t underestimate God’s power. I can just feel his presence through and with my very own life. Which is I continue to remind myself that everything doesn’t really matter, for as long as I’m doing what is right.

First of all, I would just like to give you a little bit about myself just in case you don’t know.

I’m a fearful person and that is what makes my whole character. I don’t talk that much, most especially, to the people whom I don’t know. Other than that, I’m the kind of person who prefers to stay in the “comfortable zone.” I don’t like taking risks and I thought, being contented, “daydreaming,” is already enough to make me happy through my entire life. Of course, I still need to show how much I care to the people around. After all, I’m a very faithful person: I believe in doing so I can, not only to make myself feel good, but also let others see my good side. Whenever I meet a person, mostly, a classmate or a teacher, I would try not to forget saying to them, “Kaya mo ‘yan!”

You might think I may be a very good person, but again, I still have to consider some of my other weaknesses. Other than being fearful, I admit that I have this “childish” part of my personality that caused me to struggle every single day of my life. No matter what, and even as I first step in my fourth year, I felt like it was really hard for me to change. Regardless of that, I still continue to pray, hope that God will help me overcome these problems of mine, most of all, just do the right things.

Days have passed and I fear that these prayers, this good actions of mine would only lead to nothing, until I met this one particular person: Our great English Teacher. What makes him so great anyway? Well, of course I can assure everyone that he will always be in my heart for he taught and made everyone realized, rather, helped us open our eyes about realities in life. Surprisingly, as far as I can remember, “he” is the first teacher who made us feel that this coming fourth year, though it will be stressful, will be worthwhile, fun and fulfilling.

This made the “guy” much more interesting to me, the reason I wasn’t able to stop myself from getting awkward right at the very first day of the class. I could just not simply explain for every time I get to see him, I feel good, knowing that I can see very well from the person how he enjoys his current life. He is a man of words and experience. I can always see that just by looking the way how he speaks in front of the class, how he interact with people, most especially, how he treats his students. A lot of times had he convinced us about how much he loves his work I would just never forget how he talked about his days during the papal visit. From that, I discovered much about his goodness, how grateful he was because of his faith. He asked us during one of his class which really made me feel guilty, “So what did you do during the papal visit? Did you even try turning on the TV just to see the pope, or have you just kept yourself busy from other things? You should just, at least, be thankful that you have no classes; that’s the gift of the pope.” Seriously, those words triggered us, the “Francis Effect.” It truly was, for me, the best English class ever, perhaps the most “unique” English class where we really didn’t discussed about lessons, research paper writing or any other English-related stuff.

Up until now, I’m still confused how I ended up somehow being close to that person. Yes, so close that I was able to get to know him better than others. To tell you the truth, we’re very different in terms of personality. Which why sometimes I would feel that I’m kind off out of place. Not too long but when he told me that I’m now one of his “Loyalistas,” I was really shocked. I was not prepared but I know, at least the most important thing I should do is to accept even though I know, it would still be a “risk” letting a person come into your life. We have this saying that whenever one person hands, or offers you something, accepting it is the only best option.

Amazingly, we’re able to get along, more importantly, trust each other. What really surprises me the most is that I eventually found out that this “friend” of mine has so many stories to share to me. All those stories made a much more different impression to me about life. Often, he tells me about his life, how he spends his time working hard, not to “show off” just as what other people think about him sometimes, but to make the school a much more better place for the students.

At first impressions, one might think he’s one hell of a workaholic, ambitious, perhaps, a “bossy” person. But he always tells me how he hate it sometimes when people make those things as permanent impressions. I was simply touched out of his humility. He admits that he also gets tired, but that won’t stop him from doing the same thing. It’s just his passion, and after all, he’s been serving the school for more than ten years.

We all want attention. I think all people want others to see their dreams, like me, and most especially, like this guy. I’ve always wondered, how can he just manage and endure all the stress despite the many years he’s been in school? I didn’t asked him, but then came one of the most wonderful things I’ve never even thought to happen one time I was with him: How could this great, intelligent, teacher “kneel” before me, with tears coming down from his face? Along with the wonderful words, “Januel, maraming salamat talaga. Kung alam mo lang gaanong kalaking tulong at suporta ang binigay mo sa akin.” Seeing the way he looked at me, most especially those pleading, “very” tired eyes, I wasn’t able to hold back. I cried. I just can’t help seeing the person spend most of his life sacrificing and working hard for others. Clearly, I was able to understand more the reason why he keeps loving his students. The reason why he got so many Loyalistas, the reason why students love him, are just the things he want to remember to keep himself of being reminded how important he is to the school.

He truly never forgets each and every one of us. He does not only think about himself, but he also thinks about others. I know very well down deeply, how much he believes in my skills and talents, which is why he also brought me to the PEB, and to different contests outside the school.

From my great experiences, one in which I also wouldn’t totally forget, the time when I participated in the stage play called “Liwanag.” Aside from the urge to give something for the school, I’ve gained enough confidence through my classmates, friends, most especially from him. Even though he wasn’t able to watch the show, it seems like he has always been there for me.

I have this favorite song where there are lines that says:

Take a walk out of my life.

Sing to me a lullaby.

Cradle songs for a midlife.

Don’t forget to pass me by.

The funny thing is that, I couldn’t just help remembering him when every time I hear the song. I was able to enter another life; a life that is absolutely full of love, trust and care. I felt accepted, not rejected. And although, again just like another line from that song,

Cause my imagination runs away,

On this 8th avenue serenade.

Meet me at the bathroom stall,

Meet me at the Whispering Wall,

Before all the flames burn out,

I know that there is some possibility where we’ll continue to part ways.

For as long as I’m living, I know I always have the chance. I want to prove him right, I want to let the world, not only the students, the teachers, as well as the whole school, know how much he’d given his life, his unconditional love to others.

If I’m to write my own version of Mitch Albom’s, Five People You Meet in Heaven, he would be the first person. You might ask, still, just how and why? Well I’ve never really felt like being considered as a family, but this person just did. Other than my loving and caring parents, I’ve always felt good, knowing that there is another person who knows very well much about me, who’s always there to reach out and help me get things truly right.

He’s an angel after all; one of God’s beautiful answers to my prayers. He’s already a piece of my life. I had created many great memories with him, one that I’ll forever treasure as I continue to journey this wonderful, mysterious path of life.